• 【光华讲坛】 Disclosure Harmonization and R&D Investment Efficiency (全球披露协调与企业研发投资效率)
    发布时间:2023-10-13 查看次数:


    主 题: Disclosure Harmonization and R&D Investment Efficiency (全球披露协调与企业研发投资效率)


    时 间:2023年10月31日(周二)10:30—12:00

    地点:诚正楼 650会议室

    主 办:澳门·新莆京(中国)官方网站-App Store 科研处

    主讲人简介:童璐,西南财经大学澳门·新莆京(中国)官方网站-App Store副教授。毕业于美国纽约城市大学巴鲁克学院,主要研究方向为企业信息披露和科技创新。担任美国会计年会等会议的匿名审稿人。

    摘要:This study examines the effect of harmonized patent disclosure on the efficiency of firms’ research and development (R&D) investment. It takes advantage of a unique setting: the Global Dossier portal, which harmonizes patent disclosure across multiple countries. I use the introduction of this portal as a natural experiment and I find consistent evidence that patent disclosure harmonization reduces uncertainty about patent validity and the cost of processing patent information, resulting in better R&D investment decisions. My results also show that firms reporting in non-English languages benefit more from harmonization than those reporting in English due to reduced processing costs. Further analysis reveals that Global Dossier leads to the increased use of foreign patent information and a geographically diverse set of patent applications, which validates the enhanced use of patent information. The study offers novel insight into the impact of global disclosure harmonization on firm operations.
